Please note that you can become a FAECTOR member before subscribing to the PENGUIN weekend. Being a member means you can come to all of the events the study association organises, as well as having access to our booksale. For more information or to become a member, click here! It can take up to 48 hours for your account to be activated. You can also subscribe to the PENGUIN weekend without being a FAECTOR member, by clicking on "Login to register" and then choosing to register as an external.

Are you a prospective Econometrics student and want the chance to get to know your fellow students before the year starts? Then PENGUIN is the perfect match for you!

Dear future econometrician,

The PENGUIN weekend is an introduction for students starting the Econometrics or Bsc2 Econometrics/Economics study in September 2023.

It offers you an opportunity to get to know your fellow students in a fun and informal way before the semester starts. We have several activities planned both in Rotterdam and at the location of the introduction camp in Herentals, thus you will be with the group the entire weekend.The goal of the introduction camp is to make you feel comfortable and at home around your new classmates. Furthermore, there will be an opportunity to meet older Econometric students, who are more than happy to provide insights into your upcoming studies and life in Rotterdam. All together we hope to provide you a fun weekend before you start your studies.

As you have probably heard Econometrics can sometimes be a bit challenging, and therefore it is important to bond with your classmates. What better way to do this than to spend three days with them, participating in fun team-bonding activities?

This year's weekend will take place from 1 until 3 September and will cost 57 euros. We will start Friday on-campus with an introductory presentation and some lunch and getting to know eachother activities. Afterwards, we'll together go to the location of the introduction camp in Herentals by bus. Saturday will be filled with a surprise afternoon activity, whereas on Sunday, we'll enjoy a nice, laid back morning, after which we'll travel back to Rotterdam together in the afternoon. All in all, a great way to get to know student life and (more importantly) your fellow students. Subscribe now!

We hope to see you on 1 September!