FAECTOR Green Days | Inhouse Day KYOS

Are you interested in learning more about energy markets? Then this is your chance to experience what it's like to work with us! During our Inhouseday at our office in Haarlem on Tuesday 26 March, we would like to introduce you to our company.

About KYOS

At KYOS we are specialists in energy and commodity markets, and by combining our quantitative background with practical solutions, we help our customers to make optimal investment decisions, manage price risks, optimize the use of their assets (power plants, energy storage, transport), make optimal trading decisions, and assess future market price scenarios. Our customers are mostly large international companies in the energy industry. More and more of our clients are active in the field of renewable energy and the energy transition. We help clients with -for example- the valuation and risk management of long-term (renewable) power purchase agreements (PPAs), the valuation of large-scale batteries, or building a business case for adding (green) H2 production to a wind farm. We strongly believe that our quantitative skills can add value in the energy transition.

KYOS’ activities started in 2002, with KYOS being founded in 2008. Today we have a young and international team of 35 people, based in Haarlem, working on software development (mainly PHP), quant model development, IT support, and marketing and sales. Most of us have a background in Mathematics, Econometrics, Engineering, Physics, and so on, and like to use quantitative methodologies to help our customers.


The day programme will consist of a presentation about KYOS, with examples how we help in the energy transition, and an interactive case! FAECTOR will take care of any transportation cost if you do not have free public transport that day.


This event is for bachelor-2 students and higher. Selection will be based on study phase. We will let you know before 22 March if you are selected to join!