ICansultancy Committee
ICansultancy is a project of FAECTOR in cooperation with the study association FSR. The aim of this project is to bring students in contact with leading strategy consulting companies.
ICansultancy organises two events during the year. In January 2024, the Women Consultancy Days will take place. During this event, a selected group of women will get the opportunity to get to know the most prestigious strategy consultants. Last year, Bain&Company, BCG, McKinsey & Company, Roland Berger, OC&C and Strategy& were partners in this event. As a committee member, you get in contact with those companies during the organisation and of course during the event itself. The committee consist of students from Rotterdam, but the event is open for all female students with an analytical background in the Netherlands.
Furthermore, the committee organises the Consultancy Landscape. If you become a committee member, you will get the opportunity to use your creativity and organise a great event for a wide audience.
The ICansultancy Committee 2023-2024 consisted of the following students:
Stijn van de Pavoordt - Chair (FSR)
Veerle Goorden - External & Vice-chair (FAECTOR)
Sabine Dicks - Treasurer (FSR)
Roline Peelen - Marketing Officer (FAECTOR)