Econometric Career Days 2021

Google workshop

Personal branding is the combination of personal attributes, values, strengths and passions that people know and value you for - it's the perceptions others have about you based on the sum of your actions. Google is facilitating a fun and interactive workshop to help you develop and use your online personal brand as your most important career asset.

This workshop will help you:

  • Identify the elements of a successful, authentic brand and how branding can apply to individuals as well as organizations

  • Create an authentic, unique personal brand statement using reflections on your strengths, values and skills - as well as feedback you've received from others - as the building blocks

  • Evaluate which of the the five key elements of brand management (packaging, visibility, relationships, perception, uniqueness) you need to focus on to improve your personal brand

  • Create a simple and effective campaign to intentionally manage your brand and create the perception you want others to have of you. 

This workshop will be given in English and is open to all students.