Inhouse Day NN Group

Are you interested in doing an internship or working at NN Group? Then this is your chance to experience what it's like to work with us! During our Inhouseday at our office in Rotterdam on Tuesday 19 March we would like to introduce you to our company. Our colleagues (who all studied econometrics as well) will be happy to tell you more about their jobs and working at NN. This way, you will learn all about the type of work we do, our internships, and what you can do within NN after your graduation.

What can you expect?
• Welcome to NN Group
• Introduction to NN Group Traineeship
• A closer look at life as an employee at NN Group – by business colleagues
• Workshop to get to know our business better
• Drinks!

For starters, we have the following opportunities:

An ideal way of gaining important practical experience during your education, while
discovering a possible career at NN Group.

If you are a talented graduate and looking for a place to develop and challenge yourself, the two-year traineeship programme at NN Group is the perfect start of your career. The programme offers roles in one of the following areas: Finance & Risk, Tech and Business & Transformation with multiple rotations and the possibility to start or finish the traineeship in one of the 11 offices around the world.

Starting positions
For graduates in various areas and business units. Discover our quantitative starter positions at

Case description
We have a very interactive and fun game prepared for this day. This game teaches you all the ins and outs about Solvency II, the legal framework for the prudential supervision of
insurance companies within the EU. You are the CFO of an insurance company. Your role as a CFO is to manage the assets and liabilities to maximize the Return On Capital and to keep the Solvency Capital Requirement above a certain level. You do so by controlling the asset mix. But, each asset involves different risks! During the game, you encounter several events that affect the economy and your metrics. As a CFO, you must ensure your RoC is positive and the SCR is above the threshold during the game. So all in all, a very exciting and challenging game! We’re looking forward to meeting you at the in-house day and playing the game!

This event is for bachelor-2 students and higher. Selection will be based on study phase. The application deadline is 14 March at 23:59, we will let you know on 15 March if you are selected to join!