Orientation Day: Analytics and Operations Research in Logistics
Are you a second-year student or higher and still wondering which Major or Master's to choose? Each year, FAECTOR and the Erasmus School of Economics organise the Orientation Days. These are a perfect opportunity to learn more about the different fields of Econometrics and Operations Research and to get in touch with the participating companies.
During the Analytics and Operations Research in Logistics Orientation Day, you will first learn more about the structure of the Major and the Master. This will be presented by the Academic Director of the Master. Then, a student will tell you about his/her own experience. Finally, a company will show you what you could do with a Master's degree in practice. OMP will tell you about a specific field at their company such that you can see what that field looks like in practice.
The session will take place on Thursday, 30 May, from 13:00-14:45 in Sanders 0-01.
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