The Inhouse Days: Logistics & OR Edition
The Inhouse Days: Logistics & OR gives you the unique opportunity to visit four interesting companies: Portbase, Ortec, PicNic and Rotate!
On Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 January you will go to the offices of these four companies. With presentations, tours and cases you will get all ins and outs about these four companies. With companies in the port industry, consultancy, retail and the aviation sector, this two-day event will give you great insights in various parts of the logistics sector.
The programme looks as follows:
- Monday 09.00-13.00: Visit Portbase followed by a lunch at Portbase
- Monday 14.00-18.00: Visit Ortec followed by a drink at Ortec
- Tuesday 09.00-13.00: Visit PicNic followed by a lunch at PicNic
- Tuesday 14.00-18.00: Visit Rotate followed by a drink at Rotate
Sign up via this link.
This event is for all bachelor-2 students and higher. Selection will be based on CV. The application deadline is 13 January at 23:59. We will inform you by 17 January if you are selected to join! Public transport is refunded.