City Trip 2025
This year, the annual FAECTOR City Trip will take you to the breathtaking city of Lisboa, Portugal! Known for its charming streets, historic landmarks, and vibrant atmosphere, Lisbon is a must-visit destination. Together with 60 other students, we will embark on this unforgettable trip.
Departure & Return
Friday, 21 March: Departure from Eindhoven Airport at 15:10., arriving in Lisbon at 17:15.
Monday, 24 March: Departure from Lisbon at 19:15, arriving in Schiphol at 22:05.
During our stay, we will explore Lisbon’s iconic attractions, enjoy its lively culture, and discover its exciting nightlife. Prepare yourself for a weekend filled with fun activities, delicious food, and great company!
What’s included?
Flight tickets, three nights in a central accommodation, fun activities (to be revealed!), a group dinner, and plenty of good times with your fellow FAECTORians.
How to Subscribe?
Subscriptions open on 10 January at 12:59. Use the Google Forms link below to register. To avoid technical issues, you can open the form beforehand and refresh it once subscriptions open.
If spots fill up, the remaining registrations will be placed on a waiting list.
Google Forms link for subscriptions:
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to experience Lisbon with FAECTOR!
Get ready for an unforgettable adventure.
Don’t hesitate to ask us any remaining questions on
¡Estamos ansiosos para ver você!
City Trip Committee ’25
P.S. If you have some mandatory Seminar meetings, please get in touch with your teacher if you can join online, we will make sure there is room for that in the schedule.